If you want to attend, the RSVP (French words = répondez s'il vous plaît, meaning "Please respond") man is Jason Menayan. With this, I left comments on HubPages' Facebook account and HubPages Blog.
The enthusiasm of hubbers, including me never fizzled but stayed on a high momentum while anticipating the said event.
When I read about the HubCamp, I thought it will be a week's outdoor camping and and series of writing activities focusing on the famous topics that hubbers around the world have written money-making hubs. Plus actual writing contest for the participants.I am dreaming of a huge get-together by world's prolific writers.
I'm sure in the next HubCamp sponsored by HubPages, it will be more fabulous with all the actual samplings on the hubs written by hubbers, particularly on Food (hehe!).
Present in spirit, but absent in person...this will be my drama as I wait for the outcome of the initial HubCamp. Good luck to you, guys!!!
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