I was tinkering my surviving netbook. My laptop of two years have been busted by viruses and transporation anomalies. I have to try the latest offering from a rugged yet affordable product and reliable companion to hub. And here it was. I began reminiscing about the things that happened to me a year ago. I cannot blame myself to like HubPages. It's addicting to write about something, huh?! And my adventure started with the word...hub.
As the Goggle Search toolbar quickly presented hundred thousands of searches, the first in the search was HubPages, an online writing community.
Hmmm...interesting, I said to myself. Better avail of the invitation to sign up, write an article and earn money for free. No other requirements needed but the activation of affiliates, mainly the Google AdSense ( with its Analytics), eBay, Amazon, Kontera, among others and the rich content of every hub a writer made. The monetization is soon to follow as readers and fellow hubbers follow you, click your ads, read your stories, poems, articles or even picture hubs.
After a year, I'm still here, enjoying my stay as I counted my earnings every month and waiting that my first threshold will come this September 2010.http://hubpages.com/hub/My-First-Year-in-HubPages
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